Tuesday, March 20, 2007

From Tokyo to Kyoto [Preparing]

Ok, I know, I know, I wrote earlier that I should update the blog later that day but, as usual, I'm bad at it, blame it all on Maria. ^^ Anyway, our spring break started last Saturday and will continue for three more weeks, during this break we will try to show out guest Maria, from Sweden, what Tokyo is all about. Maria, Hanna, Camilla and I will be going to Kyoto for a few days (in about six hours actually) so neither Hanna or I will update this blog for some time now, but a good thing is that we will write much about Kyoto in our next post. Take care!

Maria the seconds before her first experience of ramen (great noodle soup).
From left: Maria, Hanna, Camilla. In the background: Henrik, Helge & Rickard drinking ramen (in Japan you don't eat soup, you drink it).

Saturday, March 17, 2007

RGB Table

Just testing to add a "youtube video" of a movie I recorded first weekend of March when Shona and I went to a photo museum in Ebisu, Tokyo. Instead of photos we had the chance to see all the winners and nominees of some sort of Japanese Oscar's awards about eletronic stuff and animation (or something like that). Found this RGB table that consisted of small white lamps changing its color depending on what was laying on the table; for example, a blue paper makes the table blue and so on.

Will update this blog later today but at the moment Hanna and I are so filled up with happiness and joy thanks to our friend Maria who just arrived to Tokyo.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Some restaurants and two cafés

So, a new update that will cover the last days and earlier events that Hanna already has written about. Things are going just fine here, the school has change it pace from fast to really fast, guess it all has to do with the kanji signs we learn every day; at the moment we’ve learned over 100 kanjis, may I say that I’m impressed! ^^

Forgot to tell you guys that I bought my first digital camera in the end of last January, over one night I got from heaven to … well, another cloud in heaven. I’ve become a paparazzi, or guess I should say that I’ve become a Japanese, photographing everything and nothing, taking movies of people playing with drum sticks in arcade halls, people singing karaoke (what else), the overcrowded subway trains etc, etc. I managed to fell in the stairs two weeks after I bought the camera and of course it hit the floor with a bang, that usually means that something in the camera gets broken and this was one of those times as well. Went back to the store a few days later and was told that, actually Hanna was told … hm, let’s take this from the beginning. We tried to make a story that we were stupid tourists that didn’t understand why the camera was broken, Hanna had the big part as “the girl who speak English” while Camilla and I played the small parts “dumb tourists that don’t know either English nor Japanese”. One thing is for sure, we will never get an actor award for this ‘Broken Camera’ play, the girl behind the disk figured out immediately that I had dropped it on the floor; from playing tourists we went back to real life again feeling so stupid. Anyway, the camera is back on track.

070222 – From hangover to Hanna’s birthday
Since Hanna had a fun night with her friends Beer, Sake and Bailey’s (those are dangerous ^^) she choose to take some rest; instead of having a rest Camilla and I went to “our café”, Excelsior Caffé, in Ikebukuro to test their new soya latte. I ordered my latte first and when I received it I saw that a guy in the staff had made a really nice leaf picture on the top of the latte. “Wow, impressive. They really put some effort in making that leaf picture here in Tokyo”. The second after Camilla shouted: “Hey, Patrik, you just have to watch this!!!”; I looked at her latte and saw the most incredible thing I’ve seen when it comes to … ehrm, lattes.

Apart from soya latte they have wonderful drinks such as white chocolate mocca (yepp, it is as good as it sounds) and cold cocoa. Yummie, yummie, yummie!

Later that day we celebrated Hanna at a great restaurant that we’ve already told you about and I just had to take a shot of the restaurant that was next to our restaurant we were visiting. ‘Sweden’ … guess what they serves at that restaurant? … You’ll only have one guess … Of course, ‘ice cream’ is the answer; I missed the polar bears though. ^^ Also, a great picture of beautiful Hanna on her birthday.

070223-24 – From white restaurant to green tea café
While Hanna went to a great fashion party after school Camilla and I went back to Matsudo to visit a restaurant we see each day on our walk from/to Matsudo station, it’s a really tiny restaurant all covered in snow white and brown colors. It looked as one of those luxury restaurants you know that you’ll never visit but this one is an exception, the food is really cheap here. Like Wasami in Shibuya (where we went and celebrated Hanna) you order small portions of food and share the dishes with someone else, in this case with Camilla. Camilla ordered a well-tasting gratin including pasta, tomatoes, some sort of meat (don’t remember which one) plus some more tasty ingredients. I asked the waiter for a dish including chicken and got a chicken rolled in with aluminium foil that was on fire while they served it to me. Fun with new experience … how the hell am I going to fix this, burning food?!? The chef put the fire out for me and then I was able to enjoy the chicken like normal people.

The day after I went to Shibuya and met Shun. We moved on from Shibuya to Harajuku and got to a great green tea café serving nothing more than just green tea; everything had something with green tea in it, green tea latte, green tea candy, green tea ice cream, green tea bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. Unfortunately the glass veranda were just for smokers but I just had to take a shot to show you.

070228 – From a busy school day to a Skype session with Grande Mama Hanna uploaded a picture of me doing some errands at the post office; it was me sending a present to my mother for her birthday that is today. I slept a few hours last night so today school wasn’t as fun as it used to be, however I kept awake while some in the class had some hard times trying to stay awake.

When I got home I called my mother a.k.a. Grande Mama a.k.a. Lena and we talked for just a few minutes; so glad that we all have the opportunity to mail or skype or call whoever we want. Sweden feels closer to Japan than it actually is and I haven’t figured it out yet that Hanna and I are actually on the other side of the planet, Sweden feels like it is one city from Tokyo. Oh well, better go to bed instead of writing crap, take care everyone!

PS1. Hm, feels like the theme for this post is “restaurants and cafés”, sorry for that. ^^

PS2. Ending this post with this picture that I took an early morning some weeks ago, hoping that it will send some warmer degrees to all you people living in cold Sweden.